Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bike Sharing

"The fact is, we already have a zero-emission, efficient, great way to get around and it's called the bicycle and we just need to start providing for it,"
-Paul Steely White, Executive Director of Transportation Alternatives

You've heard of car sharing but have you heard of bike sharing? There are already successful bike sharing programs in Paris, Barcelona, London, Stockholm, Milan, Berlin, Munich, Vienna & Copenhagen- to name just a few. Hopefully it is only a matter of time before bike sharing starts spreading throughout the U.S. as well!

Below you can listen to a very interesting interview on last Friday's Brian Lehrer Show. Paul Steely White, Executive Director of Transportation Alternatives, discusses the possibility of introducing a bike sharing program in New York City.

Would you utilize a bike sharing service in Chicago? If not, why not? What would need to change in order to get you biking?


  1. this is a great program.

    we need more initiatives like this one.

  2. I completely agree! I would definitely use a bike sharing program if it was available in Chicago.
