Thursday, September 4, 2008

Admit it- you listen to NPR when cruising around in your I-GO vehicle...

Hank Sartin, from Time Out Chicago, recently blogged about being an I-GO Car Sharing member. Not only did he give some props to I-GO, but he also pointed out something I myself have noticed before- the correlation between I-GO members and NPR.

When first hopping into your reserved I-GO vehicle, you usually adjust the mirrors and seat, buckle up and obtain a glimpse into the personality of the previous member as the radio turns on to the station (and volume level) it was last left at. And I've got to admit, more than often when I turn that key in the ignition, the radio is on NPR. However cliche this may be, I can't say it's a bad thing. Has anyone else noticed this or are we the only ones? Click here to check out Sartin's TOC blog post.

1 comment:

  1. I got in an I-Go car and the radio *not* being tuned to NPR. It happened once in the 3+ years I've been a member, and it was so surprising I remember it.
